How to spot a phishing email

The below is a sample Phishing email and is designed to trick the recipient into doing something or to provide information.

Phishing emails generally use social engineering, where the hacker might have done some research online or have some information that they are looking to exploit.

Red Flags

For various reasons, Phishing emails can in some instances be poorly constructed. The below are some of the “red flags” that can indicate that an email is not what is seems to be.

What to do if you are unsure?

If you have received an email, SMS or WhatsApp that you are not sure of, we suggest that you call and verify the request. Phishing emails will generally have an “urgency” requirement to try and force the recipient to act before they have time to think


Want to know more?

For more information on Cybersecurity best practice and how to increase awareness, contact us at or +353 1 8226460


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