WhatsApp is Safer than email …. Or is it?

Many of us are aware of think before you click with emails. But sometimes we forget that our mobile phone is a mini computer and can be compromised.
Hackers and other threat actors will sometimes send phishing messages via SMS and WhatsApp. Messages can often be about deliveries or sometimes, they can be like the below, more targeted.

This message could be phishing as:
1): Its not from a local number
2): Its not a saved contact
3): Its not addressed to you, is vague
There is a possibility that if you engage with this message, you could be sent a link that contains malware and your device could become compromised.
We have seen 3 phishing attacks like the above last month. Our advice is when you get messages like these, sometimes the best option is to block.
To block in WhatsApp:
More Options (three dots in top right corner)

Select “More”

Select “Block”

Select “Block”

# ThinkB4UClick
For more information on Cybersecurity best practice and how to increase awareness, contact us at cybersecurity@lss.ie or +353 1 8226460


How to spot a phishing email